In the next few lines will help you to strain Slavonic Perun.
Slaves were closely linked with nature. Every natural phenomenon prisudzovali one of their many gods, with names of gods varied depending on the area. Perhaps only one God should always be the same name - Perun, god of lightning and Mr. other gods. Are well known Veles, Svarog, Svarožič (later called Radegast) Dažbog whether Mokuša (perhaps the only goddess in the Pantheon). Before pagan Pantheon will be given in another chapter, by now I am speaking about the holy place. The tree, a stone fountain. These were the sacred symbols, which are built sanctuary. Since the sanctuary lived mostly destroyed and burned, we remain the only sources of Roman, German and Danish chronicler. Pagan shrines were no temples, but only a circular elevation (something like a concentric circle), the outer ring of the excavation and to serve as a location for setting up of numerous fire all round the exalted circle in the center of which stood a pillar-idol. Some have begun to build the wooden temple, inside which stood statues of the gods. God is sacrificed animals, people and food. It is often at feasts, held at the sacrificial rites for the purpose napr.dobrej crop consumed food sacrificed god. Some sources say the victims Svantovítovi (later taken over the role Svarožiča)-a Christian year. Yes kill, as well as Christians and Avars. No one, however nenútili change their faith as Christians do. No on has a different story. The cemetery can be found except jewelry and weapons and amulets in the shape of gods, who have one, but several faces - the phenomenon we are talking polykefalizmus. The statuettes are often square, that is, with four faces, but you can find statues with seven faces. Like amulets, both idoly were polykefalistické and typically have been high from 1.7 m to about 3 m. Sometimes the whole of the character portrayed by each of them held in the hands of something else. Moreover, in the form of amulets and voodoo demons dochovali the small clay animals, generally the domestic animals as hens, rooster, horse. The horse was extremely rare animal and use it to divination. Interesting are the findings of the eggs. (painted called copybook - predecessors kraslíc) not be to us no Slavic myths in the sense that what is retained, in particular, were "herbs" and the different reputation. Herbs are known mainly from Russia. It was bohatieroch of herbs and their mighty deeds, and disseminate their Trovatore, called igrici or guslari. The whole wealth of information to be found in the traditions that dochovali to day. Holidays associated with the annual cycle of nature, belief in demons, nymphs, werewolf, etc. beregine., Also popular medicinally, zariekanie, fortune telling and belief in the power of amulets. Important place in society is of the wizard (volchv), which is a hand with some supernatural abilities. Their task was just fortune telling and respect for holidays, production philter (often to the well Infusion, which navodzovali exstatické state of mind)
Slavonic pagandom
Pagandom-whether Slav or other-was born from the creation of man from the Stone Age. The proof is in the walls of cave paintings depicting dancing fighters "modliacich is" a good catch. Because nedos-daddy material may not be easy to write about slovansko pagandom, but try to do. Whole my studies pagandom me dium unfortunately difficult by the fact that any book, any material, written by different authors, often differ in opinion, for example, in the practical time of arrival of Slavs. Whether therefore the Slavs arrived in 6.tom century or earlier, berms as to the fact that the remnants of a culture strongly influenced by us (but to a little later)
Although it appears that we have sufficient archaeological findings, it is not so. Some of the findings archelógovia speak Slavic, and others on the findings of Celtic or Germanic. What is certain is that there are few findings for several reasons. In earlier times the dead bodies pagandom spopolňovali the border and is punishable by ordinary containers and then zakopávali into the ground. The dead so much, no charities, because they believed in the afterlife (and later delivered to the seriousness of death). It was to Christianity, and some ethnic groups, which prompted the Slavs undermines their entire bodies as objects, which were to serve the deceased after his death and expressed both his social status throughout his life. Later, when Christians "mentioned" equality before God, again to the tombs nedávalo charities. Unfortunately, they were just Christians-Tania, who is in spreading their faith in one God destroyed all the pagan idols, shrines and amulets. We can not therefore speak of the rich findings of Slavic culture. When we are at the undertaking, it would be good to mention the course of a funeral. The incineration of the dead, as I have already mentioned, nedávalo gifts. Burial of containers not been very marked and is usually located to the village and its decumbent fertile field. During the funeral is danced and sang and banquets are also held on the anniversary of the death of the deceased. From several sources we know that the deceased was accompanied to the other world and his wife. About century, the influence of Christians byzantíncov and Avars, stopped taking undertaking burning and has the skeletal undertaking to Mohyle. Mohyle-high embankments often clay-Average 3-18 m and height of 2-6m. They were reinforced with wood and stones. Do Mohyle initially save the garbage (a container with ashes of dead). In undertaking wild Mohyle to save the rich charities (jewelry, weapons, or even a meal) and the carcasses zakopávali up to a depth of 2.5 m. It came, in one Mohyle can be found whole and burned flesh. In times avarského-Slavic, together with the soldiers buried their horses. From Mohyle subsequently developed Graves flat, cushioned with grass and bark, with little indication. There are also coffins vydlabané of a single piece of wood or pozbíjané, no such luxury you can indulge only wealthier. Those poor were undertaking in the substance or piece of skin. For some follow special burial treatment of the dead as a result of fear of the vampire. Reversing the face to the ground, cut the head, post-mortem vykrútenie limbs, body burden, whether school or iron needles in the flanks. Thus it was impossible to return the dead back.
Distribution of Slavs
Many sources speak of the migration of Slavs from the territory of Central Europe. Based on the extension of Slavic culture Slavic tribes divided as follows:
Western Slavs - the territory of today's Bohemia, Moravia, Slovakia (VMR) Polabska Slaves (Germany, Poland) - Polana, Pomorania, Lužičania, Obodriti ...
Eastern Slavs - Ukraine, Belarus, part of Russia
South-Eastern Slavs (Anti) - Dneper surrounding rivers, Dnester and Prut, Romania, Hungary, North Bulgaria
South Slavs - Bulgarians, Croats, Serbs, Albanians, Macedonia, Slovenes
We speak also of the northern Slavs in Lithuania and Belarus. Slaves, however, gradually came into conflict with the Byzantine culture, which it brought Christianity, Avars (especially in the Balkans) and the Scandinavian tribes.
Slaves today
Why expect the restoration right Slovanstve? We do not claim that the Slavs will suddenly be vedomejší that they are Slavs, in turn, will coalesce with other peoples of Europe, which is the natural evolution of that period. Period of state expressed Nations Before long, some two hundred years and it is too short compared to how long the Slavs in the current territory. Therefore, there is a strong likelihood that the disappearance of borders, the concept Slovák as France or Germany, has ceased.
Slavs have good conditions for the detection of something new in the spiritual world, as communism has opened unprecedented opportunities here. Back a bit and clear the area. Hardly now has the advantage that the Slavs, who are in the period after štyridsaťročný suppression of spiritual life. Such suppression has resulted in deviation from the normative religion, which, while not original, but we also had to bring his knowledge.
Something new can arise only where there is empty and chaos, but not where they are fixed rules.
The way it is seen to slovansko spiritual territory is slightly different from the other provinces. First it was the pagan gods, then Christianity, a few years of communism and more recently the impact of eastern religions and šamanizmu - and across all translucent scrap the original religion in povier. Even the well full of coins and vinšovanie for Christmas is proof that not only Christianity, which remains on our territory. Even in the 17th century Church dignitaries recorded that the people called the Church - House Perun.
Slavic gods znocu want to show - and has his reasons.
Now the period when the spiritual consciousness of Slavs has move a bit forward. Just as the pagan gods retreated to behind because it was necessary to strengthen the consciousness of unity in spiritual feeling, so now the unity should be extended elsewhere than at the heavens, and churches. Probably I will oppose the Christians, but on the road to truth should not be confused with the god of religion. Religion is always a tool, which we want to get closer to the truth, but it is not objective. There is no god. Although some religions may be more sophisticated than others - but to a certain point one must depart from it - to God.
People feel that the Christian principles in the form in which it is now evident, is not sufficient for the spiritual life of man.
On our territory simply reflected energy, whose functioning is largely describes Christianity and Slav pagan spiritual. People are increasingly interested in Eastern science - and it would be interesting to realize how many points are common with slovansko mythology. Also šamanstvo. Interest it is given just what we lack, what Christianity as a religion does not offer. But people see and feel that God is a variety that is present not only in the church but also in nature. That we can learn anywhere.
We feel that we are angels sent to help - and it is quite possible that in the Slavic faith are called gods, angels and spirits - but in comparison with the man actually had the powers of God, so that should not occur because of the war that someone will name the name of an angel and someone give him the title god. In nearly every faith - whether that of polytheism monotheism - there is One who is above. And this is what we have we should note the arrival of the Slavs to Christianity, our territory. Slaves obviously forgotten to unity and began to put emphasis on the various gods, forgotten in the Creator.
Slavic god - creator Rod - created world through love.
And this love is reflected everywhere, thanks to her arose from the river and the sea, mountains and plains, trees and flowers. And less than God - and people.
Creator Rod had his day in midwinter, that is, the 22nd or 23rd December. Slovania their habitats then trimmed cecina and offered the Creator. Use only the branches of conifers, not the whole tree. Nedávalo the gifts, but are you good friends. Use the magic word to each other to create a happy future.
Therefore, neither I did not this habit, and as every year around Christmas, knowing that our wishes will vyslyšané, saluted the love, happiness and good as many people. I wish also to all of you. Love is God and he says that not only the mouth of the priests.
I think that it is time that we started to carefully listen to one another, because anyone of us we can say the truth about the path of love and goodness. But from what we created ... is in us.
WORLD Slavonic God a demon
Czech nation professes to Slovanům as their ancestors. Those with the arrival on our territory and brought a lot of habits, customs, and their pagan religion. I tried to map out briefly here with the help of printed information such basic needs and customs.
Main staroslovanští gods:
SVAROG (as Hefaistos)
God of fire and light.
God of the sun, the son of god Svaroga. For polabských Slavs also called RADEGAST in southern Slavs called Bozic.
Radegast is also a symbol of the fight against the Slavs identities for German expansion.
God of storms, thunder and lightning.
Perunovým attribute of the ax - the weapon of Slavic warriors. The tree was dedicated to Perun Dub. Day - Thursday.
It was Perun and donor harvest next Dažboga and Veles.
God crops, property and livestock.
Attributes are livestock or corners. phallic symbols.
Later in the period of Christianity degraded to the devil or demon.
This is probably the main gods of all the Slavic tribes.
And yet Zela (Old cabbage)
Goddess cult and the green vegetation.
In the Czech Republic are attested only god Perun and Veles.
The widest area of the old Slavic religion formed démonolatrie - Cult of natural spirits, beings of lower order, revitalizing natural laws and phenomena.
Old home of demons is called DIVA (divoženka, Divya man) and BES (terrible).
Similarly, CERT (the curse words and witchcraft).
A large group of natural spirits associated with:
Element (land, water, air and fire)
Provincial elements - rock and horst ghosts ...
Regional element solid mass represented the spirits of mountains, rocks, caves and rocks.
Oreády - mountain nymphs
Górzoni - Horst ghosts
Kovlad - pán underground
Runa - mistress gold mine (also Natural Mrs)
Krakonos - pán Krkonose mountains
Asilkové (also Osilkové) - giant rocks and rivers
They were dedicated to offering them with stones vyhloubeninkami, which had the form of plates, human feet, hands, animal tracks, arrows, crosses, etc. Water from these wells have been used to treat.
Water elements - Turnips and Rusalka ...
It was the cult of the gods of rivers, lakes, and seas studánek.
Water nymphs
Rusalka (also Samovíly, water and mermaids, zinc)
Great independent group such as
Villas, which are distinguished for: mountain, water and cloud.
It was a beautiful girl with a transparent body and long golden (Russians) hair. Beautifully sung and danced. They vary in animals - most often in the swans, horses, Falcon and Wolf. Artificial preach and heal. Native of dew when the rainbow. Were all good. The bad included in particular the Black naiades that topily and afraid.
On the Pentecost holiday fairy brought the victim to the shores of the waters.
Action rusalek was the most unfortunate people.
Air elements - fairies, pochvist, větrnice ...
Lord Wind (WUOTAN, POCHVIST, PGWIZD, wind ...)
Sisters lord wind (Burj, VJUGA ...)
Brother wind master MRÁZ
Mother lord wind (possibly his wife) VĚTRNICE or if Meluzín
Fire elements - plivníci, fire man ...
Fire the added cleansing power (and active), protect against demons.
At the time of the onset of Christianity Vulcan SVAROG turned into a demon and is manifested in the form of fire Drack, argument, etc. salamandra
In the Czech Republic named ZMOK or ZMEK (the devil).
Another variant was
Nick or imp. Almost the same is PLIVNÍK or PLEVNÍK.
International as Goblin, elf, shit ...
Is different
Fire MUZ known as DÝMA or DÝMAČ. It is the specter of human origin, mostly soul sinner.
BLUDIČKA lights was vicious, violent death of deceased souls, nekřtěňátek etc.
Another specific group of natural spirits represented:
Vegetation revitalizing DEMON:
Field beings (Polevik, Polevoj, Zitna crone, Žitola, Serpa, Serpyšyja, Posserpanc, field fairies, Rusalka and mavky ...)
Forest creatures (Lešij, Lesovik, Manija, Virgin Forest and zinc ...)
Ruler was LESOVIK forest, PAN and wonders Man, his female counterpart or DIVOŽENKA DIVA WOMAN.
They often share their sphere of competence to:
Zeitgeist - ghosts different time of day or night time, these were closely related to growing demons. Kept the sanctity of a milestone in the rhythm of time - noon, midnight, sunset, etc. (Noon, Večernice, Klekánice, Půlnočnice ...).
Separate group are:
DEMON FATE - fate of human beings management.
Slavs were convinced that the fate is the fate of spirits.
Srečo - positive
Nesreč - negative
ROD - male demon
ROŽANICE (ROŽDENICE) - female demon
All have been collectively referred to as Sudický.
The Demon and the Demons were the fate of disease:
ČUMA - pestilent monster
LICHORADKA - demon fever
PRISTRIT - demon fever
Another group were:
They are called home Buzkova, who protects the home.
Gremlin - carried out by people like devilry, protect
DOMOVOJ - protect
KIKIMORA - harmful to men and animals
KORGORUŠE - protect
HAD HOSPODÁŘÍČEK (DOMOVNÍČEK) - a guarantee of family welfare
The ideas of the next world were souls of deceased prematurely or violently, udušených, Suicide, witches, etc.
Sometimes they can show the same way people live and soul (vědmy, moths, etc.)
PLANETNÍK - soul oběšených or udušených
KULT Plants, plants and animals
Respect for the trees formed an integral part of Slavic paganism.
Most of the trees were old, decayed or footage of special shapes. Only such trees are sacred and must not be cut, or threatened death or serious illness.
Nejposvátnějším tree was oak.
The other was Lípa oak, birch, crane, black without, mistletoe, Jalovec, wild roses, hawthorn, Trnka, etc.
The focus was mainly grain. Such was the importance of four-leaf clover.
Special consideration shall enjoy the roots of plants, resembling the human figure such as Mandragora, Posed white, belladonna root, zlomocného, Kopřiva, St John's, Tolita, Wormwood, Chernobyl, Mata, Kopretina White, Kručinka German, Rojovník mud, aconite, gentian, Turan sharp Route ferns, Poppy seeds, Garlic, etc.
Other plants were used as afrodisiaka: Rosnicka okrouhlolistá, Darnel ryegrass or zombie.
Valerian protect virgin before padnutím.
The animal saw Slavs as well as manifestations of the mysterious world of ghosts and human souls, which take the form of the animal itself.
Some animals were Promised gods:
Horse - Svatovítovi and Radegast
Boar - Radegast
Kohout - Svarogu and chars
Some animals were allegedly change people - Bear, Swan, Kukačka, Lasica, Holub.
Of domestic animals the highest respect enjoyed ox and horse (sometimes Taurus).
For the very worshiped pet snake was considered to be settled in the house as a domestic demon.
The dog was revered.
Malicious forces were associated Cat and Koza. Kohout, who was the favorite animal is Plašil offer.
Napoli pets were Capi and swallows. The birds were considered sacred and Skrivanek, Nightingale, Swan, Eagle, crane, and Kukačka Holub.
The songs and poetry to present the Falcon.
Among the wild animals play a large role mainly bear, wolf and deer.
In addition to large idols to serve chrámovému cult, the Slavs vyřezávali small statuettes domestic idols, who protect their homes.
In addition, small idols and serve the cult sošek further objects and insignia such as the Sacred weapons, equipment, banners, field signs. In addition to these there were basic earthen objects kotoučovitého or bochánkovitého type (probably a representation of the bread).
Other objects might be a knife with a double volute on the site handles, wooden sticks and Kyje with carved head. Furthermore, clay figurines of domestic animals, spoons, keys, axes, combs, lunice, animal teeth and claws, and mussels bell.
The magical function and perform well KAPTORGY - small metal box on the neck, which uschovávali fragments of skin, small bone, etc. These magical power to protect its bearer.
To serve the purposes of magic and decorated with colored earthen egg glaze. Symbolic of strength and fertility as well as figurines falu. The owner had to protect the engravings located on the inner side nákončí belt.
Special group of cult and magic themes represented ideogramy, graphic symbols:
Circle, cross, cross in a circle, swastika, trikvetrum, pentagram, hexagram, round, rosettes, lunice and their combinations.
There has been on the containers, špercích, weapons, etc. Old symbolic tradition of the characters in the form rombu (diamond), a square or rectangle. The sign belonged to a rare symbol of the hand.
Creators and holders of pagan ideology represented two groups:
Lower sphere - Wizard, vědmy and hadačky
Higher sphere cult deities - priests
In addition to regular ceremonies held within the public culture and the great celebrations that are linked to certain important rytmům year, as winter or summer solstice, the arrival of spring and autumn harvest.
The main meaning of these celebrations has been. While these festivals and holidays, and obscuring the later identifications Church holidays (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost, etc.), maintain the majority of its original pagan character.
This feast pozůstávala of several advanced features, by the time follow. These were:
KRAČUN - the feast of the shortest in
OVSEŇ or Leather - people posypávání grain
KOLEDA - circumvention of the figure, with a plea, Nursery Rhymes in the early new year
Masquerade PROCESSION - usually before the feast of the Three Kings
Christmas - věštěním associated with burning such as strain, stumps or branches.
The main spring festival holiday was in obtaining death (Obstruction, Mareny, Moran ...)
Another holiday was going to be - welcome to spring, to build, pouštění věnečků for water, etc.
The end of spring and the summer transition period was a holiday Rusalných. Decorate the graves and bring offerings.
In the Czech Republic to play games on the king and queen - About svatodušním Monday chose the boy king (among themselves) and the queen.
Similar is the Ride of Kings in Moravia.
Significant was the circumvention of the ceremonial field, studánek cleaning, decorating houses branches, ceremonial cattle put out to pasture.
In rhythmic events were the most important place of midsummer celebrations.
The names and habits of the region from different regions, the basic motive remained ceremonial bathing, burning fires and jumping over fire, meretricious and pochovávání symbolic figures, all linked to the coupled and sexual promiscuity fun.
Last annual harvest home celebrations were.
Ceremony in the life of individuals
In addition, ceremonies and celebrations, which took place in the public interest community or tribe, accompanied by a ritual and a significant milestone in the life of individuals. These are the rituals of birth and adolescence, through marriage to death.
First haircut - Postřižiny - was an important family ceremony especially for boys (after 1 year). Child Age varied: 1-3,5,7 years at sexual maturity, at the weddings bride groom well.
The age of sexual consent for girls accompanied the ceremonies such as the wearing of decorative strip, ribbon, headbands and hair věnečků.
A particularly important milestone in life was marriage. Prior to the adoption of Christianity leading to marriage in two ways:
1.Výkupem from father
The habits of respect for our marriage, for example:
- Zahrazovat groom path
- Close nevěstin house
- Hide the bride
- Nastrkovat false bride, etc.
An important measure was to insert the hand of the bride to the groom hands. Similarly, it was widespread practice zahalování bride veil for wedding ceremony.
Magic importance to circumvent the bride around the table or a fireplace (usually 3x). And the bride over the threshold of transmission.
The obětinám were also stínání black cock or hen, and in particular a large wedding cake.
Finally, the bride of disentanglement or snip of hair začepena guise or bonnet for signs that a woman is married and together with the bridegroom to the wedding ceremony imposed on the bed.
The traditional customs were nevynášet deceased from the house doors or gates in the enclosure, but a window, a hole in the wall, etc. Its purpose was to confuse the soul of the deceased, they can go back and nice survivors.
Expanded part of the cemetery ritual hymn, funeral crying and praise.
Tradition was the voluntary death of beloved wife, but on its own decision. The die had his hand on the border with her husband. If dropped from the combustion of dead, a woman was with her husband buried alive in a tomb.
Cemetery was part of ritual and fingovaný match in order to zaplašením demons. The same importance should masquerading and masking.
After the ceremony was followed by general revelry associated with the drink strong drink, especially mead. The banquet in honor of the dead is repeated several times during the 40 days and again in the annual day of death.
Magic lines and Vestby
The largest and nejhlouběji-seated belief předkřesťanského areas are undoubtedly art. This initial attempt to control the forces of nature focused on the primary needs of practical life. Given the purpose for which it was targeting these practices, we can distinguish:
- Economic magic
- Magic personal or family
Economic interests mainly include magic farmers, however zapustila roots in craft production, mining and other productive activities. Family or personal magic divination was to serve the interests of the larger community - tribe, family, and individuals.
The fertility of fields and cattle have been targeted most ceremonies annual festival, usually accompanied by acts of magic-symbolic character: obsypávání grain at the time of the winter solstice, spring obtaining death carnival voračky with náznakovým oráním around the village, Easter Rite of agricultural products, summer burning and skipping locust fires etc.
In addition to these major rituals are carried out in different regional versions of other magic acts. The special role played in particular incepční practices, which depend in obřadním initiation of certain activities such as orby, sowing, mowing, threshing, etc.
Nemenší attention was paid to livestock. Aim is to increase fertility and protect against disease and bad lines.
In agriculture, the man most dependent on nevypočitatelných forces of nature and the practice of magic to mastering the oldest tradition. With the development of crafts from the early Middle Ages, is transmitted like a magical view into this field.
In the family or personal magic was the aim of obtaining welfare, health, success in love matters, protection against evil of any kind or summoning the head of his enemy.
On the active and apotropické was wearing the magic talisman and amulets to bring luck to their holders, endow him the desired characteristics and capabilities and to protect it against evil.
Talisman was závěsek, often with precious stones, which can be engraved inscription or symbol; women wear it.
Amulet had more signs and cabalistic characters on paper, leather, etc., stored in a box worn on the neck. It was mainly male affair.
As a means to serve apotropické some objects of daily use, tools and weapons such as the scythe or a knife under the bed patient, the rod at the threshold.
Node belt to protect the warrior in the fight, a network of the bride, who left home. Ring was not mere decoration, but prevent the evil spirits. The same protection should headband, bracelet, cravat, wreath, etc.
This group included the sexual magic with a variety of practices to induce zamilovanosti, love, drink, etc. afrodisiaky
More magic was MAGIA BLACK. It was a malicious magic performed for the purpose of inducing damage, illness and even death.
Living essential public and private life have been predicting the future, whether it for the next harvest, the result of a military campaign, business or business prosper newborn destiny, healing from illness, for family or personal well-being.
It was part of the temple divination ceremonies, as well as matters Wizard and hadaček.
Variants of divination:
- From internal psychological states (prescience, dreams, hallucinations, ecstasy, etc.)
- External ZNAMENÍ (movement of celestial bodies, the bones of animals from random meetings, etc.)
- Derived from a deliberate SITUATION (casting wax or lead, odhozených location of objects, etc.)
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